

Oscar Loceros (deerskull), 19 years old
Currently attending university in Comics and Graphic Design

> Digital art, character design, character studies, scenes, fanart
> Creative writing, original storylines, fanfiction of various medias and genres, character studies (both original and pre-existing characters)

Discord: MEGALOCEROS#4746

art portfolio

Below, you will find examples of my full pieces, headshot pieces, studies and original character reference sheets - in order from my own characters/art based on my own stories, my fancharacters that are based on some kind of media (such as D&D characters), and fanart for various medias.

writing portfolio

Most of my writing that I have posted publically can either be found on my AO3 page, or on my Tumblr blog dedicated to posting short creative writing and poetry of various kinds, mostly loosely linked to other short stories I have. Otherwise, I am always open to being asked for more of my writing work, such as development on stories or smaller things.

My personal project "Descendants of the Sanctuary" is a story based in a modern day fantasy world, with a unique magic system and world layout, all of which I have been building from scratch for several years. Hopefully in the future this project will become a webcomic or something similar, but for now I am focused on crafting the story.

I am also an aspiring DM for Dungeons & Dragons, having been creating my own homebrew world and storyline to host for friends, which includes scheduling dates and times, coming up with solutions and ideas on the fly, and encouraging communication and cooperation.

Below I will include snippets of things I have been writing, but have not yet released publicly in some way. Click on the images to view them in full, and each will have a basic description next to them to explain the context.

Something Gifted, Something Treasured
Rick, an explorer and treasure hunter, returns home after a journey, only to discover a party being thrown for him. His best friend and caretaker, Beatrice, is understandably upset with him for once again being so reckless in his endeavors, especially when he had left without warning to go on this trip.

En Mémoire
Two mercenaries, René and Lawrence, have a moment of respite after fighting an enemy together. Due to their complicated past and even more complicated relationship, the tensions are still high. Both of them are still hurt by what René did, whether it was accidental or not.

Mortikai reminisces the events of the past few days - regaining his lost memory, fighting his old rival after Mortikai's god turns against him, and figuring out exactly were his morals, thoughts and feelings lay. He visits his wife Emilia in hospital to find out exactly what happened to both of them, and what the future will hold.

The Silksong Troupe, a band of performers, settle down to camp at the side of the road while travelling. Since the elves of the party don't need to sleep like the rest of them, Onyx and Tavurian keep watch to ensure the troupe's safety. Unfortunately, things don't turn out that way as bandits find the camp.


Unfortunately, I am not taking commissions at this time. This page will later be updated with my prices and what art pieces and writing I would be willing to do. Thank you for your patience.